Bliv en del af Odendo

Odendo har på kort tid etableret sig som en vigtig samarbejdspartner for en lang række sportsklubber, foreninger og velgørende organisationer.

Vores forretningsmodel, den stærke auktionsplatform, det store antal brugere og de mange besøgende har sikret en stor kundetilstrømning. Derudover har vi 100% gentegninger fra de sportsklubber, foreninger og velgørende organisationer, som tidligere har afholdt en auktion.

Er du interesseret i at blive en del af succesen? Så er du velkommen til at kontakte os på

Din henvendelse skal indeholde:
- CV
- Hvilket land/område der ønskes (også hvis det drejer sig om et land, der ikke er på listen, men hvor du mener du er den rette til at skabe en succes)

Odendo søger partnere i følgende lande:
- England
- Østrig
- Holland
- Belgien
- Frankrig
- Spanien
- Italien
- Schweiz

Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig.


Become a partner

In a short period of time, Odendo has established itself as a well-known key partner for a wide range of Danish clubs, associations, organisations and other teams

Our business model and idea, the strong auction platform and the large amount of users and visitors, creates a great influx of new customers. Simultaneously, every single clubs, associations and organisations that has held an auction has re-signed their contracts.

Are you interested in taking part of the success?

Requirements for your application:
- Curriculum vitae (CV)
- Which country or area you would be interested in

On the basis of your application we will contact you in order to create further dialogue about the possibility to be partner at Odendo.

Odendo is currently looking for partners in the following countries:
- The UK
- Austria
- The Netherlands
- Belgium
- France
- Spain
- Italy
- Switzerland

We are looking forward to hearing from you on
(also, if you are of the opinion that our list is lacking a country, and that you are the right person to create success there).